How to calculate transportation cost per km?


  • Type of transportation;
  • Cargo weight;
  • Cargo size;
  • Distance;
  • Place of loading and delivery of cargo;
  • Actual shipments.

Depending on the destination and route the freight cost per kilometer is not a fixed charge, but it depends on a number of factors such as the season, holidays and “Fiesta time” during the summer months, which sometimes require slightly higher freight charges. When cargo offers are less on the required route, the cost per kilometer is higher and vice versa when higher the loading offers on the required route, the cheaper the cost per kilometer, and the transportation costs are limited by the production processes of other companies. Our experienced company specialists can offer you the best solutions for delivering your cargo to its destination at reasonable prices! When transporting goods to third countries the proportion of imports and exports should be taken into account as well as weather conditions that may affect the delivery of the goods to the required destination. The cost of transportation by road is mainly determined by the share of import / export. Shipping costs are also calculated based on the total volume, weight and specification of the cargo, as well as the route as a whole. For example, there are places where entry is possible only with small cars, and such cargoes have been delivered with vehicles with an elevator or lifting devices from our terminal – reloading points, and this makes an additional cost. These areas are mainly residential areas, green areas (with special access routes) or areas that cannot be reached by large vehicles due to narrow roads, mountainous areas, etc. An optimal delivery route is developed for each cargo, taking into account the price per kilometer and delivery time. As we have a wide range of international partners, rates for transportation per kilometer are flexible, which provides the most optimal price solution for any type of cargo (sea, air, transport, rail). It should also be noted that consolidated groupage freights, when the goods of several customers are loaded in several loading points as well as with several delivery points, allows to plan freight rates taking into accounteach customer. For international and domestic cargo transportation, when the cargo is transported by standard tilt trucks, the seats in the car are calculated using the LDM formula to calculate the cost of transportation per km.

The LDM formula can be used for:

  • Tautliner;
  • Mega;
  • Refrigirator;
  • Platforms – open trucks.


Transportation cost calculator

LDM calculator

What is LDM – Loading meter?

LDM –a loading meter is the standart unit of measurment for transport by truck. 1 LDM – one loading meter is 1 meter of loading space of truck’s length. The maximum weight per lodaing is 1850 kg.

What does it mean?

When the approx.width of truck is 2.4 m, 1 loading meter is approx. 2.4 m2 (2.4 m wide x 1 m long).

General size of trucks in Europe?

In Europe the general length for trucks like tautliner is 13.6 meters, in this catagory Mega, Box and Frigo can be included.

Block pallet

  • Size: 1,00 х 1,20 m (0,5 LDM);
  • Max height: 2,70 m;
  • Max weight: 925 kg.


  • Size 0,80 х 1,20 m (0,4 LDM);
  • Max height: 2,70 m;
  • Max weight: 740 kg.

Industrial pallet

  • Size 1.20×1.20 m ( 0.6 ldm)
  • Max height: 2,7 m
  • Max weight 1100 kg

LDM calculator:

1,2x 0,8/2,4m= 0,4 ldm- 1 pallet will need 0,4 ldm in truck

0,4 x 8= 3,2 ldm- 8 pallets will need 3,2 ldm in truck

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