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Internacional Air Freight Forwarding


If you need to deliver the cargo immediately, then Avio cargo transportation is the fastest and safest way to deliver the cargo to the required destination. Almost anything can be transported by air, from letters and documents, to oversized cargo, dangerous goods, and even pets.

It is only necessary to take into account the air transportation procedures and rules governed by the “CONVENTION ON THE UNIFICATION OF CERTAIN RULES OF INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT”, which was signed in Warsaw on October 12, 1929, and the significant contribution of other relevant documents to the harmonization of private international air law. You can familiarize yourself with the rules in more detail here.

The most important points of the Air Transport Convention:

The issuance of an air waybill can be replaced by any other means, the carrier, upon the request of the consignor, can issue a cargo receipt, which allows identification of the shipped goods and access to the information contained in the cargo registration;
For international transportation, the rules on customs formalities differ for each country, when carrying out air cargo transportation, if it is necessary to comply with the formalities of customs, police and similar administrative institutions, the sender may be required to issue a document indicating the nature of the cargo. The carrier is not responsible or liable for the contents of the cargo.
The air cargo waybill consists of three original copies. The first copy is marked – for the carrier and is signed by the sender. The second copy is marked by the consignee and signed by the consignor and the carrier. The third copy is signed by the carrier, who hands it over to the shipper after the cargo has been accepted, taking into account that the signature must be printed or stamped.
The air transport carrier is responsible for the contents of the cargo and delivery times.
Insurance – Member States shall require their carriers to maintain adequate insurance covering their liability under this Convention. The Member State in which the carrier operates may require evidence that he maintains adequate insurance covering his liability under this Convention.
When carrying out air cargo transportation, an air cargo waybill is issued!
The air waybill must include:
  • instructions for collection and delivery locations;
  • if the starting and ending points are located in the territory of one Member State, but one or more agreed stopping places are in other countries, then at least one stopping place must be indicated;
  • weight instruction of the shipped goods.
We will help you prepare and fill out the Avio cargo waybill to avoid unexpected situations.

Air freight transportation and our offers:

Document and letter shipments must fit 35 x 28 cm and can reach up to 2 kg, which we can send within 24-72 hours

Express transportation, which does not exceed 1m in height, and whose weight does not exceed 70kg

Full air freight, which is suitable for bulk cargo, is an option to book full air transport

Combined cargo transportation – transportation that will be delivered from door to door, using also other types of cargo transportati

Advantages and disadvantages of international air freight
  • The fastest way of freight transportation;
  • The most predictable form all freight transportation, as flights are rarely delayed;
  • The safest way to transport cargo, due to the strict security measures of airports;
  • Faster customs clearance as air cargo is unloaded quickly;
  • Cargo can be transported by air to almost any destination.
  • Air freight costs are higher than other transport services;
  • It is not profitable to ship light and cheap goods;
  • Less environmentally friendly transport due to the high carbon emissions of air transport;
  • There are some limited products that cannot be shipped by air, but can be shipped by road or sea freight.
Do you want to find out the prices for air cargo transportation?


Kas on vaja kolida mujale? Pakume kohalikku ja rahvusvahelist kolimisteenust nii era- kui ka juriidilistele isikutele. Pakime, laadime peale ja maha asjad, mööbli, sealhulgas ka kergesti purunevad esemed.

Täida mugav taotlusvorm ja selgita kaubaveo hind välja 30 minuti jooksul!


Rahvusvaheliste kaubavedude jaoks oleme ette valmistanud paindliku kindlustussüsteemi.


Koostöös piiripunktidega pakume tolliformaalsuste korraldamist ja täitmist teie eest.


Pakume laoruumide organiseerimist rahvusvahelisele veosele igas maailma punktis.


Veoste transport merd mööda on parimaks lahenduseks olukordades, kus minimaalsed transpordikulud on palju olulisemad kohaletoimetamise kiirusest. Mereveod USA-sse/USA-st, Iirimaale/Iirimaalt, Inglismaale/Inglismaalt, Hiinasse/Hiinast.

Täida mugav taotlusvorm ja selgita kaubaveo hind välja 30 minuti jooksul!

Loomade vedu

Turvaline loomade transport kogu maailmas. Loomade veo organiseerimisel juhindume loomade heaolu tingimustest ja kasutame spetsiaalseid transpordivahendeid.

Täida mugav taotlusvorm ja selgita kaubaveo hind välja 30 minuti jooksul!

Ülegabariidilised veod

Mittegabariitsete veoste transpordiks pakub meie ettevõte spetsiifiliste lahenduste paketi väljatöötamist, mis tugineb iga tellimuse individuaalsetele nõuetele. Alates marsruudi valikust ja veose pakkimisest ning lõpetades transportimisega spetsiaalsetel platvormidel ja haagistel.

Täida mugav taotlusvorm ja selgita kaubaveo hind välja 30 minuti jooksul!

Kaubaveod autotranspordiga

Suudame toimetada igasuguse veose igasse kohta,  kuhu viib tee. Kaubaveod autotranspordiga tagavad veose kiire ja mugava kohaletoimetamise. Import, eksport, transiit, igasugune marsruut ja suund, kombineeritud ja täisveosed, kaubaalustel või ilma nendeta. Ümberkolimisteenus. Kas on vaja kolida mujale? Pakume kohalikku ja rahvusvahelist kolimisteenust nii era- kui ka juriidilistele isikutele. Pakime, laadime peale ja maha asjad, mööbli, sealhulgas ka kergesti purunevad esemed.

Täida mugav taotlusvorm ja selgita kaubaveo hind välja 30 minuti jooksul!

Warehousing services

In order to deliver the cargo successfully, first of all it is necessary to provide a place to store it. Whether it is pre-shipment, storage during transport (for customs or other reasons), or splitting before being forwarded to multiple recipients, warehousing is an integral part of logistics solutions.

The company offers warehouses in Latvia, Germany, as well as in other countries with which we have signed cooperation agreements. We provide warehouses according to your needs – larger and smaller, with or without temperature control mode. All storage rooms are clean, safe and practical.

Regular inventory, detailed stock taking and documentation guarantee that your cargo will not disappear in the depths of the warehouse and will continue its shipment on time. Our warehouses are guarded 24 hours a day, equipped for convenient loading and unloading of cargo, with convenient access roads. Various types of goods can be stored in the warehouse premises.

About warehousing service

Warehousing services are an integral part of the logistics industry, providing storage and distribution solutions for goods and products before they reach their final destination. Warehousing involves the safe and efficient handling, storing, and tracking of inventory to support businesses in managing their supply chains effectively. Here’s what you need to know about warehousing services:

Storage Facilities: Warehouses are large facilities equipped to store various types of goods and commodities. They can range from simple storage spaces to sophisticated distribution centers with advanced inventory management systems.

Types of Warehouses: There are different types of warehouses, such as public warehouses, which offer storage space to multiple companies, and private warehouses, which are owned and operated by a single company for its exclusive use.

Inventory Management: Warehouses play a crucial role in inventory management. They help companies store excess inventory and maintain stock levels to meet customer demand efficiently.

Distribution Centers: Many warehouses also function as distribution centers. They receive, sort, and ship products to different locations, optimizing the supply chain for faster and more cost-effective deliveries.

Order Fulfillment: Warehouses often handle order fulfillment, which involves picking, packing, and shipping products to end customers or retail outlets as per specific orders.

Cross-Docking: Cross-docking is a process where incoming goods are directly transferred from inbound trucks to outbound trucks, reducing storage time and streamlining distribution.

Inventory Tracking Systems: Modern warehouses use advanced inventory tracking systems, such as barcode scanners and warehouse management software, to monitor inventory levels and movements accurately.

Value-Added Services: Some warehouses offer value-added services, including product labeling, kitting, assembly, and customization, to meet specific customer requirements.

Security and Safety: Warehouses prioritize security measures to protect stored goods from theft, damage, and unauthorized access. Safety protocols are also enforced to prevent accidents and maintain a safe working environment for employees.

Location and Accessibility: The location of warehouses is strategically chosen to facilitate efficient transportation and distribution. Proximity to transportation hubs, ports, and major markets is often considered.

Temperature-Controlled Warehouses: Certain products, such as perishable goods and pharmaceuticals, require temperature-controlled warehousing to preserve their quality and shelf life.

Flexibility and Scalability: Warehouses offer flexibility to adapt to changing business needs and seasonal fluctuations in demand. They can scale up or down storage space based on requirements.

Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Providers: Many businesses outsource their warehousing and distribution needs to third-party logistics providers (3PLs). These companies specialize in providing comprehensive logistics solutions, including warehousing services.

Sustainability: Increasingly, warehouses are adopting sustainable practices, such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling, and eco-friendly packaging, to reduce their environmental impact.

Warehousing services play a vital role in optimizing supply chains, reducing lead times, and improving customer satisfaction by ensuring that goods are efficiently stored and delivered to their intended destinations.

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